PerrinMar 4, 20212 min read4.3.21 - We Launch - GOVindiciaThe last 18 months of my life has been full of failure; the most beautiful failures. Trying something and failing, trying something else...
M DivyaFeb 19, 20212 min readGovernance, risk and complianceGRC, as it's often termed, is an emerging discipline, probably originally from the information technology domain. It has now been much...
PerrinJul 9, 20203 min readRISK MANAGEMENT IS AN ART AND IT FEEDS GOVERNANCEGuernsey continues to find itself in a globally almost unique position. However, it's what comes next that will define its future. In my...
PerrinJun 19, 20203 min readGRC, UNPLUGGED AND UNSCRIPTEDThe role of a compliance officer has come along way since 1999, when I first started. I was a regulator at that point, heaven forbid! The...
PerrinJun 8, 20203 min readSUICIDE, GAMBLING AND RISK MANAGEMENTToo many people lose their lives from suicide and some of these are as a direct consequence of gambling. Thank you to Tim Poole of...
PerrinJun 1, 20202 min readCOMPLIANCE, IT'S LIKE LEARNING TO RIDE A BIKEWe have become dependent on the compliance stabilisers of policies, procedures and controls. If we think about what cultural change is...
PerrinMay 26, 20203 min readARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE BOARDROOMThe future of governance, risk management and compliance could be disrupted significantly by the use of AI. It's here now, but do we...
PerrinMay 23, 20203 min readWANT COMPLIANCE, THEN ABANDON HOPEFor those that follow my blog, you will know that I promised to step outside of 'Overton's Window'. This is one such time. To challenge...
PerrinMay 21, 20203 min readCOMPLIANCE MANUALS, THEY'VE HAD THEIR DAYHaving read many monstrosities called 'Compliance Manuals', I am absolutely convinced that they often add little value to organisations,...